Revised August 15, 2023

  • This revised COVID policy assumes we hope to provide worship, education and social activities in person whenever possible while keeping our members, friends and staff as healthy as possible. While the Pandemic Emergency is over, the risk of COVID infection is not.
  • Masks are always an option for anyone who feels more comfortable wearing one. Research has demonstrated that a good fitting mask can help prevent the spread of COVID and other viruses.
  • We ask that if you feel ill or are symptomatic, please stay home.
  • If you find that you test positive for COVID within 5 days after attending a May Memorial activity such as Worship, Religious Education, a small group, etc., please inform Teri in the office. She will then send out an email to the congregation letting them know of their possible exposure. She will only share your name if you give her your permission to do so.
  • Teri will share the COVIDACTNOW risk information for Onondaga County each week in the eblast, the order of service and on the front door. The risk information at this point is based on Hospital Admissions, and the risks will be listed as low, medium or high.
  • When Onondaga County is in low, masking is not required.
  • When Onondaga County is in medium, masking is recommended but not required for those aged 2 and older, including while singing.
  • When Onondaga County is in high, masking is required for those aged 2 and older, including while singing.
  • Masking will not be required while eating and drinking at any level.
  • If you or a member of your household has COVID, please follow the CDC recommendations around isolating and masking.
  • The Board reserves the right to change this policy if significant changes occur.
    Adopted by the Board on August 15, 2023.