With Reverend Jo, the 8th Principle Team shepherded a series of discussions, worship services and learning opportunities about the UUA’s proposed 8th Principle, which calls us to act to help dismantle racism and oppression. On October 29, 2023, the congregation voted overwhelmingly to adopt the 8th Principle.

In early 2024 the 8th Principal Team became the Diversity Action Team, with a new goal to facilitate the 8th Principal work of the society. The team continues to coordinate activities with May Memorial Society members and friends:

  • We created a Diversity Action Sign-Up Board that provides a space to list actions individuals will take to support their personal commitment to “dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
  • A few times a month, during Sunday services, Diversity Action Moments are shared that include descriptions of diversity-supporting historical figures, groups or activities that MMUUS members are involved with in the greater Syracuse community.
  • The team coordinates an information table at the annual CNY Pride event in June with First Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse.
  • A Young Adult Book Club has been developed where adults and teens read important texts and engage in dialog together about issues of difference and inclusion.