Witness to Injustice Program

Saturday, June 10, 1-4 pm

Soule Branch Library,

101 Springfield Road,

Syracuse, NY

Free and Open to the Public

Registration Required

Witness to Injustice is a unique three-hour interactive group educational experience. It uses an experiential, participatory model to share the disturbing history of what Indigenous Peoples have experienced through colonization with a focus on the experience of the Onondaga Nation and other Haudenosaunee Peoples. The program seeks to foster truth, understanding and respect between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the part of the world now known as the United States; especially in the territory stewarded by people of the Onondaga Nation and other Haudenosaunee peoples. It was created in collaboration with Kairos Canada and involves facilitation by Onondaga Nation citizens and non-Indigenous allies.  Witness to Injustice is a project of Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation / Syracuse Peace Council.