Archives: Services
Drawn In: Risk
To create is to assert ourselves in a way that is risky, that invites moving into the unknown. What can you do to risk the gifts you possess to expand love and grace in the world?
Drawn In: Re-integrate
Everything that is created is in relationship with all other things. Nothing exists in isolation. So too for our relationships with others. What happens for humanity is closely related to how we respond to each other. Are we willing to re-integrate, re-vise, re-vision our lives as we come in contact with others who are not … Continue reading Drawn In: Re-integrate
Drawn In: Resting
Something grossly overlooked in the creative process is the place of effortlessness and play. Staying too focused on deadlines and how every moment can be “productive” robs us of an important feature of what it means to be humans. Pushing through is non-sustainable, and creativity suffers if we constantly labor. Celebration is necessary along the … Continue reading Drawn In: Resting
Drawn In: Listen
“Listening” as part of creativity is about perceiving. We open our senses to see what is emerging. Perhaps what we start doesn’t end up looking like what we thought it would. Instead, once the act of creating begins, we listen to how the Spirit is guiding our next steps and unfolding possibilities we were previously … Continue reading Drawn In: Listen
Drawn In: Hover
Hovering is the creative posture of taking a moment to see the “big picture.” In a world of quick fixes and instant gratification, we sometimes want to skip the step of paying quiet attention to this question: “what one thing do we need to focus on now?”
We will be at First UU
The Ache for Home Lives in All of Us
Heaven and Nature Sing!
Join us for our second service of the evening at 6:00pm
Pageant in a Bag
Join us for a family oriented service at 4pm on Christmas eve