Religious Education
You can contact Stacy at
Welcome to Religious Education at May Memorial!
Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays and all ages (except OWL participants) begin in the sanctuary together. On days when we have religious education classes the children in our elementary-level classes participate in the worship service through the “children’s message,” then they carry the light of our chalice downstairs with them in a lantern while the congregation sings them on their way.
Children’s Chapel Worship
On RE Sundays after the “children’s message,” all elementary-level children move into the Creekside Chapel for a brief children’s worship service led by the DRE. Children’s worship includes a chalice lighting, mindfulness moment, special collection, and a message or story that highlights our UU shared values.
All children and youth who participate in programming from nursery through senior high school must have a current registration form on file. You can register your child(ren) here.
Religious Education Classes
Elementary Level

Soul Matters (K-2nd grades/ages 5-8) and Wonder Box (3rd-4th grades/ages 8-10) will both follow the monthly worship themes presented in Sunday morning services. The children will explore these worship themes through stories, art, and activities. Children will grow in their Unitarian Universalist faith, connecting UU values they learn about in RE to worship, the work of the congregation, and Unitarian Universalism beyond our walls
In The Middle 5-6 (ages 10-12), also centered around the monthly worship themes, is filled with creative, hands-on ways for preteens to explore our monthly Soul Matters themes and engage the middle school-age journey together. Each session contains exploration questions, discussion starters, games, meditations, stories, art engagement, etc.
Youth Programming

Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a human sexuality course for 7th- and 8th-grade youth (ages 12-14). OWL gives youth access to honest and accurate information about sexuality while dismantling stereotypes and building self-acceptance and self-esteem. It’s a developmentally appropriate, comprehensive program that covers a wide range of topics including anatomy, puberty, consent, healthy relationships, and much more. Parents who would like their youth to participate must contact the DRE and attend a mandatory parent meeting.
Teenz or senior high youth (ages 14-18) are encouraged to attend worship and talk with Stacy about other opportunities to get involved at May Memorial. Youth are welcome and encouraged to join the choir, volunteer in an RE classroom, sub in the nursery, read/present something during worship, serve as ushers or coffee hour attendants, or find other ways to connect with our faith community. Keep an eye on the weekly newsletter for Teenz exclusive meet-ups.