Speaker: Stacy Sceiford DRE

The Courage to Fight for Equity

https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)+16469313860,,95127684023# US Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)+1 646 931 3860 US

Sunday Service

https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)+16469313860,,95127684023# US Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)+1 646 931 3860 US

Easter Sunday

https://zoom.us/j/92756673927?pwd=ODR4RmRmd0szMDUxblhoYWhrTkpLQT09Meeting ID: 927 5667 3927Passcode: 634011Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Sunday Service

Sunday Worship Zoom Informationhttps://zoom.us/j/336941336Meeting ID: 336 941 336Please be sure to update your Zoom if you have not done so recently. Dial from mobile or landline:+1 646 558 8656Meeting ID: 336 941 336#Dial *6 after worship to unmute your connection and participate in break out group discussions.PLEASE NOTE: Long distance phone charges may apply.