Speaker: Stacy Sceiford DRE

Love Bucks

https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Greetings of Love

https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Finding Our Center

https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09 Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)+16469313860,,95127684023# US Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

The American Dream

https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09 Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)+16469313860,,95127684023# US Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Christmas Eve Pageant in a Bag

Join us for this long held all generations May Memorial tradition as our children help tell the Christian story of Jesus’s birth. https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)+16469313860,,95127684023# US Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)+1 646 931 3860 US

Encountering Wonder

Join us for Sunday worship as we spend time encountering the wonder that surrounds us https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)+16469313860,,95127684023# US Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)+1 646 931 3860 US

The Wonder of Miracles

Join us for Sunday worship as we explore the wonder of miracles in several different faith traditions https://zoom.us/j/95127684023?pwd=aERpeGNVUWZIZjlMQUtZcDVJMENYQT09Meeting ID: 951 2768 4023Passcode: 607275One tap mobile+19292056099,,95127684023# US (New York)+16469313860,,95127684023# US Dial by your location+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)+1 646 931 3860 US

Sunday Service

Due to the Hanging of the Greens event we will not be having a zoom component to this weeks MMUUS service.If you choose to join on zoom we will be guests of the UU Society of Amherst MA https://bit.ly/3eGKxFj Meeting ID: 998 3789 9241 PW: 432607 Or call in +1 646 876 9923 and enter … Continue reading Sunday Service