The poet J. Drew Lanham recently posted the following piece:
“It is like watching a house burn down with friends and family within. We feel helpless as water sprayed — no matter how much — does not save the innocent from being consumed, nor keep smoke inhaled and scarring burns from maiming those somehow surviving the conflagration.
“The thing is, we saw the arsonists pour the accelerant and light the flame, but too many stood silent or claimed the fire prescribed would cleanse. They, too, in time, will get burned. But for now, we stand by and help to heal the hurt with love and care as soothing salve, where we can.
“As the fire rages and jumps the line, be advised, prepare for flare-ups. Rake the litter off the lines. Fireproof your heart best you can and live your lives as if joy was essential dousing agent. That joy is the strength to fight the flames. That joy is what they cannot take unless we give them the key to come in.
“You see, the fuel they heap on is despair. The spark is fear. Beware. Joy in whatever amount we can conjure is the only hope. Joy, is the rain we must dance, sing, shout, write and paint for. Joy lit with hope for better will be my backing fire set to slow the inferno down. Joy is the ember within each of us who truly cares kept glowing, ready by the rising sun. Be ready with a breath of hope to set fires of your own. Keep fighting with joy as your rain. Our time will come.”
Friends, I know that every new day comes with some new dumpster fire. So let us remember that “joy is the strength to fight the flames.” We must resist, and so many of you are actively resisting already! When you feel helpless, when you feel like nothing you do matters, or makes a difference… look for the helpers and become one.
You may not be able to change policy or affect the fascist in the White House, but you CAN help unload food at Gethsemane, you CAN help new Americans practice their English, you CAN show up at marches, you CAN call your lawmakers. Just do the next best thing, do what you CAN, because it IS making a difference for someone.
And remember, we are in this fight together, to share our hope and our joy just when the world looks too bleak, because “joy is what they cannot take unless we give them the key to come in.” And we are not offering any invitations to those who do not come in peace with love in their hearts.
YOU, are loved beyond belief.
Rev. Jo