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Making Connections
Whatever your age or stage, here at May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society you can meet new people, engage with fun groups and programs, and volunteer in ways that contribute to the community and make life better for others.
In addition to Sunday services and religious education programs, we have many ways to get connected, make new friends, and expand your mind!
All are welcome and we look forward to getting to know you.
One of the best ways to get to know people and feel a part of our community is to volunteer for one of the many tasks that keep MMUUS humming. Except for a few paid positions, our church is run by volunteers. By volunteering, you become part of our efforts to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community, which is how we care for one another and support the broader community.
Think about your skills and talents, and what you love doing most—chances are, there is an opportunity to do more of what you love and find meaning here at May Memorial.
We encourage you to consider any of these roles. There are one-time or short-term activities as well as more involved committees and groups, from bringing refreshments to giving a sermon. We will make sure you have help from someone who knows the ropes so you don’t have to worry about getting it right.
Here are some ways to help:
- Adult Religious Exploration: Participate in a group that is currently meeting or organize a new workshop or discussion group for adult spiritual enrichment and personal growth.
- Audio/Visual: Learn to operate our sound system and Zoom video feed during worship services and other events.
- Building and Grounds: Keep our physical space in good repair with routine maintenance and upkeep or keep our outside space beautiful by working with our plants and gardens.
- Fellowship: Organize or participate in social gatherings that offer fun and fellowship.
- Finance Committee: Monitor and maintain the financial status of the church.
- Fundraising and Stewardship: Help with our Goods and Services Auction or plan new events to encourage giving.
- Gallery Exhibits: Work with our Arts Committee to find local artists to show their work at May Memorial.
- Hospitality: Be a greeter, share one of your favorite recipes during a potluck or during coffee hour, or share a note or visit with a member recovering from illness.
- Music and Choir: Sing or play during services and at events.
- Religious Education for Children and Youth: Guide and nurture our young people in spiritual growth and exploration.
- Social and Climate Justice: Support efforts to live sustainably and create a more loving and just community; assist in our work to dismantle racism and other oppressions as we build our Beloved Community.
- Worship Team: Help plan and deliver quality worship services that inspire, inform and lift our spirits.
Groups at May Memorial
This is a May Memorial book club that meets from September through May on the fourth Thursday of the month, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Both fiction and nonfiction books are chosen at the beginning of the church year. Members share leadership of the book discussions.
Contacts: Janet Hiemstra, Vicky Skipper
Diversity Action Team
The Diversity Action Team was created to shepherd a series of discussions, worship series and learning opportunities about the UUA’s proposed 8th Principle, a call for “actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” These activities led to a congregational vote on October 29, 2023, at which May Memorial overwhelmingly supported the adoption of the 8th Principle. By doing so, we, the members of May Memorial, will begin a new journey to define what actions and accountability will mean for us. The Diversity Action Team will lead these efforts.
Contact: Dawn Mendelsohn
Kitchen Congregation
This is an informal gathering of folks who sit together in the social hall to share conversation and fellowship as an alternative to attending the formal church service.
Contact: Bruce MacBeth
Music and Choir
Music is an important part of worship and celebration in our congregation. We are blessed to have a number of talented musicians who contribute instrumental and vocal performances, as well as original compositions.
Our choir is made up of members and friends of our congregation who sing during the Sunday services from September to June as well as on a few special occasions. Some music-reading skills are helpful but not required. Please contact Glenn and he will help you determine your best fit for our program. Music varies and includes classical, traditional and popular. Our Society has an excellent grand piano and historic organ. The choir practices on Thursday evenings at 7:30 in our sanctuary and is led by our longtime music director, Glenn Kime
Our building is also home to the Folkus Project, which has been bringing a wide variety of great live acoustic music to Central New York for more than two decades. This not-for-profit organization is run entirely by volunteers. Shows at May Memorial happen once or twice a month on Friday evenings from September through May.
Sister Circle
This is a group of women that meets weekly during the church year for personal growth and fellowship. Programs are planned by members and include rituals, celebrations, meditation, personal exploration, stewardship, arts, music, and movement. When the size of the group permits, Sister Circle opens to new members who are able to make a weekly commitment.
Contact: Janet Hiemstra
Soul Matters Sharing Circle
Based on UUA-sponsored monthly topics used in our worship themes, participants gather after worship on the second Sunday of each month at 12:15 p.m. (after coffee hour) to go deeper into our monthly themes to explore how these themes may work in our lives when we invite them in.
Contacts: Rev Jo for questions; Teri Coon to sign up.
Soul Spring
Soul Spring is a 10-month spiritual deepening course for Unitarian Universalists using the UU Soul Matters curriculum. It explores how the foundations of our faith support us throughout our life. It offers an opportunity to connect deeply to your UU values and suggests techniques to ground your actions in spiritual practice. It provides a group of supportive seekers to share in your journey. The group rotates locations at people’s houses, meeting once a month to share dinner and discussion. The group is closed until the new season, which organizes in late summer.
Contact: Stephanie Cross
Thursday Spiritual Enrichment Group
The group contemplates and discusses the challenges of living a hopeful and fulfilling life during difficult times. Subject matter is generated from within the group and facilitator duties are shared. The group generally meets twice a month.
Contact: Alexa Carter
Twisted Sisters
Twisted Sisters is a social group open to adult women. No commitment is required. Meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month from 7 to 9 p.m. for the foreseeable future, so mark your calendars. Join us for conversation, camaraderie and support as we navigate this life together.
Contacts: Amanda Perrine, Andrea Wandersee
Writers’ Group
The MMUUS Writers’ Group gathers once a month to provide an encouraging place for writers at all stages of development, focusing on a variety writing formats to sharpen and broaden their writing skills. They follow a semi-structured, shared-leadership format. New members are welcome.
Contacts: Ann Pearson, Dick Pearson