Chalices for Charity

Date(s) - 05/10/2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Social Hall

Categories No Categories

All ages are welcome to participate in this FUUN event!
We will share a meal and create beautiful chalices using thrift store glassware finds and paint. The children on the RE Kids Committee plan to sell the painted chalices during coffee hour on 5/12 and 5/19 to add to the Children’s Chapel Fund. Children in RE will vote on what charities or organizations that further the mission of May Memorial and our UU Values that they want to support with those funds at their Annual Meeting on 6/2. Families may also reserve a chalice (or chalices) that they make to take and use at home.
What to bring:
*A dish to share
*A few thrift store chalice shaped finds (see examples in discussion)