Bill Pay
Bill pay allows you to request a one-time or repeated payment to be made directly from your financial institution.
By your request, they will print and mail a check to us at our regular mailing address (see below). Most financial institutions offer this service without charge to you. Please check with yours to be sure. (Note that the electronic transfer option that is offered by your bank will not work when sending payments to smaller organizations, such as May Memorial).
Please direct it to:
May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society
3800 E. Genesee St.
Syracuse, NY 13214-1933
If space is provided, please indicate the purpose of your donation (e.g., paying your pledge, plate (split 50/50 with a local organization), minister’s discretionary fund, general donation, etc.).
You do not need to include an account number, but if they require it, please use 99999.