Rev. Jo VonRue
Over the years I have experienced so many different ways of living and of making a living, and I believe that my eclectic history has helped me become the human and minister I am today. I graduated with my Masters in Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological school in 2017. I served as the Ministerial Intern at the UU congregation of Binghamton, NY. I then moved on to try out large church ministry serving as the one year Minister In Residence at First Parish in Concord, MA. I was called to my current settled ministry here at May Memorial in 2018. Though we have had our own trials and complications, I love this congregation and these people immensely, and could not imagine a better ministry fit.
My personal life is a little dynamic. My husband Isaac lives in Shavertown, PA, where he works as a Professor of Chemistry at King’s College. I live in Syracuse, NY, with my hound dog Eleanor. Isaac and I get to see each other a few times a month, and we are very intentional about nurturing our relationship so that it remains healthy and loving while we live separately.
I love being outdoors, hiking and backpacking with my best friend, Lauren. I am a musician, playing the French horn and ukulele (among several other brass instruments). I am an equestrian, a plant person, and a quilter. More importantly, I love home-grown, fresh-picked tomatoes, and ice cream despite being lactose intolerant. I love having color in my life and great shoes! I love life and look forward to every new opportunity that comes my way!