A Green Sanctuary
Being a Green Sanctuary accredited congregation is one of the ways we work toward a vision of healthier, more sustainable future. That means we live with a deep awareness of our climate crisis and the deep environmental injustices of our time. We commit to four practices, grounded in Unitarian Universalist principles:
- Environmental Justice: We partner with marginalized communities that are hit first and hardest by environmental crisis. In partnering with these communities we are able to address human and environmental needs at the same time.
- Worship and Celebration: As we work together toward a cleaner, more just and sustainable world, worship inspires our work and reminds us of what is most sacred and most true.
- Religious Education: Our workshops and programs for all ages shape attitudes and build practices that are sustainable and spiritually grounded.
- Sustainable Living: We treat the world more gently by using fewer resources and being mindful of the choices we make, both as a congregation and as households.
We further seek to put these principles into action by:
- committing to hold at least three environmentally-centered services each church year
- volunteering to participate in workdays for local environmental organizations
- offering a Religious Education curriculum and intergenerational services that have an environmental justice focus
- creating congregational commitment opportunities to personalize climate justice action plans
- participating in the Central New York Sanctuary Coalition and the Carbon Fee/Dividend Initiative